2012年就这样来到了, 我真系接受唔到咯!!
1. ★ 挑战每天都自己驾车 ★
对!我就是要挑战 一下自己!让自己一个人驾车去做工,读书,逛街 !
2. ★ 挑战自己把FINAL PROJECT 给做好 ★
今年是我的最后一个学期了!我一定要把我的 FINAL 功课给做好! 要比别人的好! 不要让那些看不起我的人看扁我!
3. ★ 挑战自己不在靠朋友 ★
对!这是我人生当中最大的缺点!以前的我什么都要朋友,朋友!但是现在的我想通啦!!我不再依靠朋友也管她们理不理我,或是她们都喜欢呆在自己的世界忽略了我..! 我觉得现在孤单和寂寞才是我最最最要好的朋友!
4. ★ 挑战和자매一起去韩国旅游★
哈哈!这是我中三开始的超级愿望! 也是我和자매说好要一起去韩国旅游的啦!!
要玩尽8天7夜!! 说真的,这个挑战也蛮难一下的!! 但是都是挑战嘛!所以要挑战一下自己咯!!
5. ★ 挑战自己站在YG门口前,然后亲眼看到YG家艺人在我面前走过!! ★
11月份应该不会说很冷吧?我最怕冷的咧!!但是为了BIG BANG和YG家族!! 我愿意!
6. ★ 挑战自己不在乱花钱 ★
这个嘛~也是我自己的缺点! 我要控制自己别再乱花钱! 希望能在一个月内把钱还给我的朋友呗~!!不好意思啦!
7. ★ 挑战给自己一个适当的休息+放假 ★
8. ★ 挑战2012年12月22日★
据说21日是世界末日! 而我对这四个字是很敏感的!!因为我不想失去地球!虽然我身边的朋友说要坦然地去面对,但是如果真的发生了,你们会坦然得面对吗? 我只是希望我身边的每个人都可以好好的活下去!所以2012年就要挑战传言中的世界末日后的第二天! 而且我和자매可能会在韩国拥抱着烈风攻击的来临!
大家一起FIGHTING !! :)
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Happy Lonely Bufday ♥
Thursday, October 20, 2011
加油!! 陆玮琳.... :')
Monday, October 17, 2011
Another new (final) semester

Holiday is almost over....

I haven't rest enough, play enough, sleep enough !!
Grrr..... Okay, start on tomorrow !!
I have to start my final semester

why will extend, i also dunno...
seriously, I fucking hate SEGI COLLEGE USJ !! their arrangement really sucks !!

Classes started on Tuesday, and I am very excited about the courses that I am taking this semester...because is only one subject !!

Ps://Hope this sem can done well...because is FINAL !!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
♛ Stay Strong GD ♛

G-Dragon’s urine tested negative for marijuana, but his hair tested positive.
Why G-Dragon’s indictment for smoking marijuana was suspended?
Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office received intelligent that G-Dragon smoked marijuana in Japan in June so they tested G-Dragon’s hair and urine. His urine tested negative but his hair tested positive for marijuana.
Ten days after smoking marijuana, it is hard to detect it in urine. This means G-Dragon smoked marijuana at least ten days before from the day when he was tested.
According to the District Office, G-Dragon smoked marijuana in May when Big Bang was touring Japan. They performed eight concerts in three Japanese cities in May.
G-Dragon admitted that he smoked marijuana. He said, ”A Japanese person gave me a cigar at a club. When I started smoking it, the smell was different from a normal cigarette. I didn’t think it was marijuana but I did smoke a little.”
But the District Office suspended the indictment for him. A spokesperson for the District Office said, “Since G-Dragon is a first offender and he didn’t smoke a lot, we suspended the indictment for him. We also considered that he is a college student and he deeply regrets what he did.”
An indictment is a formal charge of accusation of a crime. To suspend that crime means there will no longer be charges held against him.
PS:// Okaay, i feel want to give him a BIG BIG hug right now if i can , i hope G-Dragon wont be so hard on himself , take all the time he needs , those who truly loves him , will give him all the time the world has to offer.... STAY STRONG JI-YONG OPPA!! 힘내세요!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
KMW 2011♥
Korean Music Wave 2011 was awesomeeeeeeeeee ♥ ♥ ♥

Although we were entertained by only 7 lined-up from Korea, but it was still AWESOME !!
Can't stop cheering !! Oh gosh !!
Yup !! I was there on that night with my neighbor ♥..

Korean Music Wave 2011 in Malaysia it be headlined by YG Entertainment’s GD&TOP and Seungri from BIGBANG

● Park Jun Ming
● 4Minute
● Teen Top
U-KISS members Kevin and Dongho was the special MCs for the night with MC Jeff(My Fm) and DJ Young(Arirang).
The first group that performing for the night was FT Island !! Omooo ~ i have to say Hongki voice and his vocal was very perfectly!! ♥ ♥
well, i can hear some fans screamed Hongki as "Jeremy"....LOL!

Afterward, Teen Top was the second group that performing for the night tooo..
Since,we doesn't know who is Teen Top and we was standing at there and just SHOUTTT & Cheer onii..

NEXT ♥ is 4Minute !! They was the one and only girl group for the night !
I just can say 4minute is very skinny and sexy....

Next up was seven-member boyband U-KISS...!! Dressed up all black and armed with powerful dance and vocals,they performed Never Land, Bingeul Bingeul, Everyday, 0330 and Man Man Han Ni & the mushroom hair is very cute !!! i means Dongho

Park Jung Min of SS501 was up next. It's been 4 years since his last trip to Malaysia, and his fans were delighted! He performed total of 5 songs! Including the one that is the OST for Princess Man


Then it’s time for the one everyone had been waiting for, and whaooo – yes – it’s not a dream. It’s a reality that my five senses could feel, and this reality I wanted to be immersed in greedily.

The VIPs pulled out their crownsticks and screaming and the TOP of their lungs when Seung ri appeared on stage!!!!

He's putting his best effort to communicate with the fans by saying ' Malaysians fans baguuss' and welcomed by crazy cheered and screamed from the VIPs and fans. He's driving the crowd nuts when he said 'I don't like concert or anything, i want to live here'......

GD and TOP burnt the stage with their magnificent, explosive performance. I think nobody stayed still during High High, and everyone joined in the chorus as we spell G H E T T O E L E C T R O~~!!!

Okay..that day is a memorable day for me !!The weird thing was I was still in a fantastic mood, and had this stupid grin on my face even after I got home. I just couldn’t stop smiling even until I lay myself down in bed. My heart even still grins until now. and please BRING BIG BANG COME TO MALAYSIA AGAINNN !! Owww

Ps:// After concert. that have something happened on that night, GD,Top,& Ri ....even though i dunno that is BigBang in the car and can't saw you all , but i know and 100% sure you all are looking and worried me and my neighbor?!!! RITE !! I know we are so carefulness,but is okay..we will take care ourself and be-careful next time

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